1:18 PM

So...it's been a while...

but reading garden blogs inspires me to be back out here in the community of gardeners, more than just a lurker...

So, what's going on in my garden? It feels like spring, despite the threat of snow earlier this week. The perennials are starting to wake up, and I'm itching to be out digging in the dirt.

But for now, here's just a glimpse of what's popping up out there.
I'm also spending my Saturdays being a Mentor for the newest class of Master Gardeners in King County. It's great fun going back through the training, and I have to admit, the group of trainees that I'm working with are absolutely awesome!

Another couple weeks, though, and I can devote a lot more time to the yard. This working for a living just gets in the way of gardening.
Here's hoping for bright shiny spring weather!